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Mind and Body

Priya D. Lal (Author)
Synopsis This work is a significant guide to a new way of looking at life, a way proven to lead to higher levels of awareness and satisfaction. In fact the author explains that the proper way to understand these states of inner discovery is through discipline of mind and body. He emphasizes that the methods of meditation and chanting can lead us to successful inner journey and self discovery. The book is written for those persons who seek happiness and heavenly bliss. Thus its comprehensive contents will richly serve the purpose of the entire humanity including Hindus. Christians, Buddhists and others. Besides this work will satisfy those people who think that religion is insensitive to human ills and social crimes do not appeal to the modern man. The theme has been well-weaved into fourteen chapters having deep bearing on numerous aspects as explained above.
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About the author

Priya D. Lal

P.D. Lal is essentially a mathematician who started with a professional role as a Senior Analyst cum System Analyst. He is also a computer specialist. But his diversion toward spiritualism was strengthened by joining Theosophical Society and Hare Krishna Arti. He joined the self-realisation group founded by Swami Yogananda. it teaches how to develop power within by means of Kria Yoga which is an exercise of breath inhaling and exhaling control. this entire process is equivalent to creation, maintnance and destruction of breath.

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Bibliographic information

Title Mind and Body
Author Priya D. Lal
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121207975
length 185p., Figures; Index; 23cm.