On Coalition Course
It was dubbed as an election nobody wanted. Yet more people came out to vote than they ever did in amid-term poll. And in voting the fourth hung house in as many elections, they again altered the complexion of the Indian polity as more then half the seats changed hands. If 1996 was a turning-point signaling the end of singly party dominance, 1998 truly launched India on a coalition course. This book tells it all relating the unfolding events from the day Kesri pulled the plug on Gujral pushing India into another election. Besides an overview of the outcome, it brings home the battle in various states and regions as the election carnival got rolling in the world’s largest democracy. The issues that exercised the voters’ mind and the strategies and the stratagems adopted by the contenders to win them over too are touched upon. Best of PTI pictures bring alive the election scene, while graphics and computer analysis on the fluctuating political fortunes complete the story. Looking beyond cold statistics, it answers all the questions one-voter, politician or pollster-want to ask about the fractured verdict of 1998.
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