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Introduction to Indian Social Anthropology

K.S. Krishna Rao (Author)
Synopsis This book deals with the issues regarding authenticity, the relation between social anthropology and modernity, the intellectual tradition, and the political plenitude of social science concepts which not only captures the intellectual climate in the country but also show the complex interrelation between the emergence of an area of study and the traffic of concepts and concerns between scholars who have been socialized in different tradition of scholarship. We hope that the complex relations between theory and ethnography, and between space and place, will be evident in the chapters that follow and will inform the theory and practice of social anthropology both within and outside the country.
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About the author

K.S. Krishna Rao

K.S. Krishna Rao, born in Warangal and educated in Kakatiya University, is young and Dynamic scholar of Sociology. He has done research on “Social Movement and Agrarian Transformation in Andhra Pradesh.” He has contributed number of important research papers on social anthropologist in the journals of national reputes. Presently, he is doing post-doctoral research and teaching in Kakatiya University.

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Bibliographic information

Title Introduction to Indian Social Anthropology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8182200776
length viii+373p., References; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.