Regional Movements, Ethnicity and Politics
Generally speaking, the important cause behind the rise of regionalism is the uneven social and economic development within the state. Secondly, there may be issues connected with the cultural aspect of the people of a particular region. In many cases, it has been noticed that the people of a particular region suffer from what is known as “identity crisisâ€. The very concept of national integration in India has failed to produce the optimum result since in many cases, integration has become another name for assimilation. Moreover, the so called ‘main-stream’ concept has also alienated a number of ethnic groups as it is feared that in the name of main-stream of national life, a total absorption of all would take place. This has given rise to another kind of regional feeling. Besides, the rise and growth of ‘linguistic regionalism’ in India has added a new dimension in this sphere. In a multi-lingual situation like India, this aspect has assumed serious proportion. It was thought by the policy-planners that a division of the country on linguistic basis would solve the problem of regionalism. Accordingly, in India states were recognized on linguistic basis. But that also could not satisfy the aspiration of the people of different regions and now it is felt by some that such a step has acted as an agent of further regional feeling. Another form of regionalism has appeared on the Indian scene. A number of regional movements are launched to create a separate state for the people of a particular region, generally tied by ethnic, cultural or other bonds. It is generally believed that this type of regionalism gained momentum after the reorganization of states on linguistic basis. Needless to mention, and study of on-going movements has some limitations. As the movements proceed, newer and newer forms take place, strategies undergo changes and sometimes goals are refixed. As a result, the conclusion that one may draw is bound to be tentative. The present study while admitting such limitations, has tried to provide a tentative projection of the future.
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