Encyclopaedia of Modern Techniques of Educational Testing (In 5 Volumes)
The concept of intelligence quotient was very revolutionary. The psychologists found that there were parameters along which the levels of intelligence could be tested and established. The persons falling the lower 10 percent to 30 per cent category were termed as imbeciles and persons having intelligence level of 30 to 70 per cent were persons of average intelligence, persons falling in the the 90 per cent to 110 per cent category were termed as the most intelligent people. Many organisations and universities developed various tests through which intelligence especially and other traits could be measured. Simon Binet test was very prominent among them. Various types of tests to select people for various jobs were developed and tests are in great demand to select professionals. In India some organizations have made efforts to develop tests. But unfortunately they are American products. In this encyclopaedia mostly compilation work has been done, but it is thought that India can not afford to lag behind in developing various tests suited to Indian conditions. It is earnestly hoped that this encyclopaedia will be found to be of immense value to educational planners, administrators and the teachers.
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