Qur’an and Modern Jurisprudence
The present book ‘Qur’an and Modern Jurisprudence’ basically aims at highlighting those Qur’anic precepts, notions and commandments, which by all means, can be considered as having laid down the foundations of what in the contemporary era are projected as the conclusive hallmarks of modern civilization in the fields of philosophy, jurisprudence and other social sciences. The book has been divided into eleven chapters, each dealing, to the extent possible, with various ideologi8cal perceptions of jurisprudence, and their comparative analysis with Qur’anic injunctions. Chapter two of the book, titled’ an Integrated Analysis of Modern Jurisprudence’ is meant to make those readers acquainted with some fundamental aspects of jurisprudence who are completely alien to this branch of legal study. Chapter eleven’ Conclusions and Suggestions’ deals with the causes of why the entire Muslim society the world over is showing the signs of intellectual stagnation, despite having played the role of a torch-bearer in all disciplines of human life. I hope, the present book will be extremely useful for those who want to study Qur’an in the context of modernity, and look at it as a living document-comprehensive in content, adaptable to the changing needs of time, and the fountain-head of all innovative ideas.
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