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Encyclopaedia of Teaching Science (In 6 Volumes)

B.R. Sen (Author)
Synopsis In view of the fastly changing environment in scientific and technological development in the world. It has now become inevitable to bring significant changes in methods of teaching science in schools and colleges. The present encyclopaedia comprising the following titles has been prepared. Modern Methods of Teaching Science, Teaching Science in elementary Schools, Teaching Sciences in Secondary Schools, Teaching Science in Classrooms, Effective Methods of Teaching Science, Teaching Science in colleges and Universities. While as it has been emphasized that the provision of proper infrastructure for teaching science is a must, the approach of teachers to teaching science is equally important. Generally the students find teaching and learning of science to be dry and colourless, a skilful teacher can always enlist the interest of the students in learning science. The science teachers should be properly knowledgeable and should have a thorough knowledge of the subject. They should also conduct action research in the classes and should continuously enrich the existing knowledge by experimentation and their general rapport with the general public and the academic world.
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About the author

B.R. Sen

Dr. B.R. Sen did his B.Sc. Hons. from Calcutta University and did his M.Sc. in Chemistry from the same university. Dr. Sen did his Ph.D. from Florida University in USA. Dr. Sen started his career as a school teacher and moved to the university. Dr. Sen worked as head of the department in science in a local college in Burdwan. He has several books to his credit. his main field is science teaching. He was advisor to the department of education for some time. He writes regularly and holds many advisory posts in the Government and Universities of India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Encyclopaedia of Teaching Science (In 6 Volumes)
Author B.R. Sen
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8171699529
length viii+327p., viii+397p., viii+236p., viii+262p., viii+223p., viii+242p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; 23cm.