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Sikh Martyrs

Bhagat Lakshman Singh (Author)
Synopsis This is a book of martyrs written with refreshing vigour. This is a story of Gurus, and men in whose hearts God dwelt suffering martyrdom to point out the path of immortality and the unconquerable nature of the soul. The author deserves to be commended for he could not have chosen a more inspiring subject, nor handled in a better style, his descriptions produce visions of Divineful personalities, set upon a golden thread.
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About the author

Bhagat Lakshman Singh

Bhagat Lakshman Singh (1863-1944) was born in Rawalpindi toHinduparents, Bhagat Kahan Chand and Bhagatani Gurditti. In 1895hereceived Sikh rites from Baba Khem Singh Bedi, a directdescendantof Guru Nanak.

In 1899 he launched The Khalsa, the first Sikh weekly paperinEnglish language, where he expressed strong support for theongoingSingh Sabha Movement. However, two years later he was forcedtoclose it down owing to financial constraints. In 1929here-launched The Khalsa, continuing with his campaign for theSinghSabha reforms. He also contributed articles to The Tribuneamongother journals. He wrote two books A Short Sketch of the LifeandWorks of Guru Govind Singh (1909) and Sikh Martyrs (1929).

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Bibliographic information

Title Sikh Martyrs
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Cosmo Publications
Language: English
isbn 8177559087
length xvi+257p., 23cm.
Subjects History