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Human Rights: Fifty Years of India's Independence

K.P. Saksena (Editor)
Synopsis A period of fifty years is a very small span for a nation's history. Nevertheless, this span for India, as a sovereign, socialist, secular democratic republic, has been a very significant period. Fifty years back, after about two centuries of colonial rule, India emerged as an independent nation, for the first time, in modern history and began its "tryst with destiny". What path have we traversed over the period? What promises we made then and where do we stand today? There has, of course, been progress in several directions - in agriculture, industry, science and technology - but then an important question is how all this progress measures in the context of availability of minimum conditions essential for the development of innate characteristics which nature has bestowed every individual with as a human being, irrespective of one's race, religion, caste, creed, colour, gender or social origin, birth or any other status; in other words, what has been the state of human rights enshrined in our Constitution and international instruments? A group of widely experienced human rights activists, exponents and jurists examines the progress or lack of it during the last fifty years towards realization of basic human rights and common minimum standard of living conditions as promised by our Constitution. It attempts to analyse the factors responsible for the sordid state of affairs in the country and the challenging task ahead facing the government as well as the people of India, both as individuals and organized groups. Contributors to this volume include: Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah, K.C. Pant, Justice Ranganath Misra, R.M.Pal, Joseph Gathia, Pritam Arora, Justice Rajinder Sachar, Sankar Sen, Y.P. Chhibbar, Regina Mulay Parikh, G.S. Bhargava, Justice V.M. Tarkunde, Shanti Sadiq Ali, N.R. Madhava Menon and V.S. Mani. Taken together, these essays represent in a single compass, a comprehensive study of human rights problems in India. This study would be of immense value to all concerned and contribute to help strengthen policy-making, advocacy and better understanding of human rights issues and challenges facing the country, at the turn of the century.
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About the author

K.P. Saksena

K.P. Saksena is Secretary General, Institute for World Congress on Human Rights (IWCOHR) and Director of its Centre for Human Rights Education and Research, New Delhi. Formerly Professor and Head of the Centre for International Politics and Organisation, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, was founding-Director, Centre for Promotion of Human Rights Teaching and Research (HURITER), JNU; he served as Secretary General, World Congress on Human Rights, New Delhi, 10-15 December 1990, convened by HURITER, JNU in collaboration with UN Centre for Human Rights Geneva. Earlier, he was Advisor, Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations, New York; served as a member of Indian delegation to six sessions of UN General Assembly, two sessions of UN Commission on Human Rights and scores of other UN bodies; was a U.S. Smith-Mundt/Fulbright scholar at New York University (NYU), New York from where he earned his Ph.D. Professor Saksena had also served as Consultant, Human Rights Division, UN Secretariat (1967-68), New York and Hony. Consultant, Division of Human Rights and Peace, UNESCO, Paris (1980-87). Professor Saksena is author of several books and scores of articles in the field of international organization and politics, human rights, and cooperation in development.

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Bibliographic information

Title Human Rights: Fifty Years of India's Independence
Author K.P. Saksena
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1999
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121206057
length 304p., Appendices; Index; 23cm.