Indo-Poruguese Trade in Seventeenth Century (1600-1663)
The record of Indo-Portuguese trade gives us both hindsight and foresight to history, for it was the Portuguese traders who inaugurated western colonialism in India. The present study is a detailed and scholarly work based on original documents available in Portugal and in India. It covers history, politics and commerce. This book examines in detail the spices trade, international rivalries between Portugal, Dutch and English, the Portuguese relations with the Indian states along with Portuguese exports and imports, with Goa on the western coast of India as its headquarters for the whole Portuguese empire in the east. This work brings out this interesting transformation of the traders and the commercial agents, into empire builders. The role of Cartares and its significance has been but in proper perspective. The book includes a number of tables and charts on the Portuguese trade in pepper, Cinnamon, textiles, saltpeter, diamonds, amber, gold, silver, copper and slave trade. Research scholars are sure to find this book a valuable reference manual. For the general readers, the narration is both interesting and instructive and provides a better insight into our recent history.
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