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Human Rights of Dalits: Societal Violation

G.S. Bhargava (Author) R.M. Pal (Author)
Synopsis An in-depth study of the issue of Dalit human rights and the caste system from varying perspectives including those of the victims, the book is divided into two sections. The first section is a comprehensive account of a two-day national workshop at Chennai, the first of its kind, on “Human Rights and Societal changes with reference to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes” jointly organized by NHRC and DELT. The four sub-themes for discussion were carefully selected to ensure a structured consideration of the main topic: (1) Social policy and Societal changes with reference to Dalits, (2) Appraisal of Legislative measures for the uplift of Dalits, (3) Religious and Social Practices and Human Rights of Dalits, (4) The concept of a National Human Rights Movement and Dalit uplift. Section II of the volume includes writings by G.S. Bhargava, R.M. Pal, Henry Thiagaraj and Air Commodore G.N. Baindur (Retd.) on aspects relevant to the central theme of the exercise. Many of the writings included in the second section have appeared in newspapers and periodicals. These have been included for an understanding of the state of Dalit human rights.
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About the authors

G.S. Bhargava

G.S. Bhargava has had journalistic experience in the different departments of the profession for over forty years capped by stints at prestigious international and national institutions like the Centre for International Studies, Harvard (1973-74), International Institute of Strategic Studies, London (1976), Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 1980 and 1990 and Centre for Policy Studies, New Delhi, 1993. he is widely traveled in Asia, the Middle East including Egypt, Israel and Sweden, plus Geneva for attendance at the International Human Rights Conference, was a delegate to UNESCO session (Paris-1979) and spent a term in Moscow as a visiting scholar at the Institute of Oriental Studies. He worked as correspondent in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma and Nepal. He is the author of several books including one on Soviet involvement in Afghanistan (published in the U.S. in 1983) and a concise version in English of Mikhail Gorbachev’s writings and speeches on Perestroika and Glasnost published in Moscow (1990), besides biographies of V.V. Giri, Morarji Desai and Bhim Sen Sachar. He was Principal Information Officer (PIO) to the Government of India from 1978 to 1980.

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R.M. Pal

A former faculty member of Rajdhani College, Delhi University, Dr. R.M. Pal is Hon. editor of PUCL Bulletin, published by the People's Union for civil Liberties. He was Hon. managing editor of the Radical Humanist, a journal founder by M.N. Roy. Dr. Pal has written and lectured extensively on issues of civil liberties and human rights including human rights education and has brought the issues of human rights of Dalits, and free compulsory education of children upto the age of fourteen, on the human rights agenda.

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Bibliographic information

Title Human Rights of Dalits: Societal Violation
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2001
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121206480
length 327p., Tables; Index; 23cm.