Familial Relationships in Jane Austen's Novels
Dr. H.R. Dhatwalia’s Familial Relationships in Jane Austen’s Novels is an excellently conceived approach to the question of family relationships in the novels of Jane Austen. Jane Austen’s fiction is solidly based on the problems that beset the inter-generational bond between parents and their children. Following an informative chapter on eighteenth century English familial relationships, based on a thorough study of contemporary and later studies, the author provides the readers with valuable insights into the unique family ties that existed in Jane Austen’s own family. The major part of this volume is devoted to a detailed study of the small children, the children’s education and upbringing, the question of love and marriage, and the commonality in approach in particular relationships such as Mother-Daughter, Father-Daughter, Mother-Son and Father-Son relationships. Familial Relationships in Jane Austen’s Novels should prove to be an interesting study to both the scholars and the readers of English Literature in India and abroad.
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