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A Critical Study of Sangita Makaranda of Narada

M. Vijay Lakshmi (Author)
Synopsis Sangita Makaranda ascribed to Narada is an ancient Sanskrit work on Deshi music, which seems to be inclined towards the Tantric stream of religious rituals. This work serves as an important link between ‘Brihaddeshi’ and ‘Bharata Bhashyam’. The unique and novel angles provided to the common essentials of music such as-Nada, Shruti, Grama and treatment of Ragas makes it a solitary work of exceptionally special features. Although it is a very important and interesting piece of work, it has not received the due attention of music scholars. Its main feature is the treatiment of Ragas; categorizing them as male female and neuter. The present book The Critical Study of Sangita Makaranda of Narada presents an elaborate and interesting study of all the special features of the original work. The period and date of the work. The period and date of the work Sangita Makaranda has been decided after taking into account the views of various authors and internal evidences. The book comprises a comparative and critical study of all the basic terms appearing in the original work. This work is a rare collection of definitions, descriptions and comments on al the essentials music by other ancient reputed authors-from Bharata to Sharangdeva.
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About the author

M. Vijay Lakshmi

Dr. (Mrs.) M. Vijay Lakshmi graduated from the Banaras Hindu University and post-graduated from the University of Delhi. She obtained her M. Phil and doctoral degrees also from the University of Delhi where she is at present lecturer in the Faculty of Music and fine arts. From early childhood she was trained in Hindustani classical music (vocal) as well as in Carnatic music by eminent musicians. She has given excellent performances in both styles throughout India. Her specialisation in the theoretical aspect of music may be attributed to her interst and inclination towards the Sanskrit language an ancient Sanskrit works, particularly those related to music. She has many published articles on music to her credit. The other important assignment she has completed is the critical edition, translation of the original text of Sangita Makaranda which is under publication.

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Bibliographic information

Title A Critical Study of Sangita Makaranda of Narada
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1996
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121205263
length 282p., Figures; Tables; Appendix; Index; 23cm.