History of The Deccan (In 2 Volumes)
Apart from Ferishta’s greatly condensed history of the first Mohammadan kingdom established in the Deccan, there has been no major study of the history of the Deccan from the commencement of the 14th century. The present work which filled this blank has been acclaimed as a classic ever since its first publication almost a century ago. It ranks with such masterpieces of provincial history like Tod’s book on Rajasthan, Wilks’ on Mysore and Grand Duff’s on the Marathas. The period of four centuries it covers is full of the most interesting and romantic episodes. The author who has gathered his materials from a large variety of sources has admirably collated the events and has provided a connected and continuous history of the Deccan from the beginning of the 14th century.
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M. Pendlebury
M. Pendlebury