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Energy and The Environment (Volume 11)

S.N. Swamy (Editor) R. Swarup (Editor) V.P. Jauhari (Editor)
Synopsis The 1970s saw a revolution in thinking about energy supplies. No longer were they regarded as cheap, expandable and practically inexhaustible. The ‘Oil crisis’ of 1973 led to the realization that fossils fuels were finite, precious, and likely to be increasingly expensive. Although much of the world continued to depend on animal power for motive energy, and on wood, charcoal, animal dung for fuel, unexceptionably in the middle of the present century. Many developed countries are expected to use more coal in the near future, as oil supplies have dwindled. In order to prevent environmental damage researchers had sought technologies for fuel pre-treatment, controlled combustion processes and flue-gas denu-clearization to ensure that increased coal burning did not lead to greater sulphur-oxide emissions. The book is expected to serve as a useful manual for all environmentalists, industries, students and researchers on environment and for all those who are concerned with ecology, agriculture, sanitation, health and hygiene.
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About the authors

R. Swarup

Dr. R. Swarup (b. 1928) had his education at government Agricultural College, Kanpur (now Chander Shekhar-Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur) and Delhi School of Economics. After serving at prestigious institutions like the Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Indian Agricultural Research Institute. New Delhi, Mosul University in Iraq etc, he heads the Agro-Economics Research Centre for Western Himalayan Region since establishment in, 1973 at Himachal Pradesh University, shimla. He has contributed a number of research papers and co-authored books titled – Agricultural Development in Himachal Pradesh, Management of Social forestry in India, Production and Marketing of apples, and Horticultural Development in Hill Areas.

V.P. Jauhari

Dr. V.P. Jauhari (b. 1949) has his education from Allahabad University, Punjab University and London School of Economics (LSE) UK. Thought a serving bureaucrat has extensive work experience in the field of environmental management at State, National and International level, Till recently he headed the Ministry of Environment & Forests in Govt. of A.P. and State Pollution Control Board. He has also worked in the Ministry of Environment & forests in Govt. of A.P. and State Pollution control Board. He has also worked in the Ministry of Environment & Forests, GOI apart from working as head of intergovernmental body, sponsored by UNEP, called South Asia Co- operative Environment Programme (SACEP) at Colombo. He has worked as consultant to many UN bodies and has many publications to his credit. Currently he is heading Ministry of Agriculture in Govt. of A.P.

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Bibliographic information

Title Energy and The Environment (Volume 11)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170993717
length viii+397p., Figures; Tables; References; 23cm.