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Deference Modernization, Secret Deals and Strategy of Nations (In 2 Parts)

Attar Chand (Author)
Synopsis All over the world defence forces – the army, the navy and the air force – offer attractive careers to their eligible young men. The pay and perks are reasonable, and the services offer a clean, honourable and adventurous life, as also advancement commensurate with one’s ability and attainments. The defence forces have a glamour that no other service can match. It is also essential for their country’s security that young men of the right calibre should come forward in requisite numbers to replace those who retire and also to man newly raised establishments. Unfortunately, this has not been happening for some years, especially in the case of army officers. What is the function of the armed forces? To defend the country, both externally and internally, when the other security forces are incapable of doing something positive. As the last resort, the government has to utilize the army. One hears a great deal about law reform and administrative reform and other kinds of reform but seldom has anyone has even suggested that the defence services are in need for wholesale renovation. Not exclusively in the sense of improving their collective fire power but also in terms of their psychology and the role they are required to play in peace time. In the life of a nation as in that of an individual two primary considerations are money and security. Defence appropriations in India alone total Rs. 8,000 crore and the manner in which thie money is spent can spell the difference between preserving or destroying India’s territorial integrity. The present book aims to achieve some ambitious goals. It presents not only a comprehensive overview of the record of armed forces but also gives a useful survey of the problems, pressures and opportunities to the nations in all the continents. As such it is clearly written and well-informed book. It gives a forceful introduction to a subject which is vital for the future defence of all nations and peoples. The book gives a unique account of the defence, craftsmanship and defence modernization in the global perspectives.
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About the author

Attar Chand

Attar Chand (b. 1939) graduated from the University of Delhi with Politics and Economics. He took his Post-Graduation in 1968. he has been regularly writing for academic journals and newspapers. His understanding of national and international problems has been deepened by his association with Social Scientists, Researchers, Editors, Journalists, and Writers of International repute. He has also contributed on culture, economic and current affairs to leading newspapers in India and abroad. He has authored a number of books on national and international affairs. All his books have been best sellers. His other interests include documentation work. He has attended several national and international seminars and symposia and presented papers. He is a member of Indian Council of World Affairs, Indian Society for Afro-Asian Studies, Indian Institute of Transnational Studies, etc. for his writings Attar Chand has been awarded Gold and Silver medals on various occasions by the President and the Vice-Presidents of India besides the Union Ministers. On September 1, 1987, President R. Venkataraman received him at Rashtrapati Bhawan and on September 24, 1987 Union Minister of Information & Broadcasting hoasted a reception in his honour at the PBI Hill, New Delhi.

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Bibliographic information

Title Deference Modernization, Secret Deals and Strategy of Nations (In 2 Parts)
Author Attar Chand
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1989
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170991403
length xl+372p., iv+373-664p., 23cm.
Subjects Social Sciences