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Resource-Use Efficiency in Indian Agriculture

D.P. Takale (Author)
Synopsis Agriculture is the largest sector in Indian economy. Indian economy have to depend upon the development of agriculture for their economic development in order to meet the demand for foodgrains and raw materials of agro-base industries. The development of agricultural sector has direct impact on the level of farm income. Therefore, it is necessary to increase agricultural production. Agricultural production cab be increased with the help of optimum use of resources. This book makes an indepth study of resource-use efficiency in agricultural sector. The study attempt to examine how efficiently the farmers are using their resources. The important problem of increasing agricultural production in any region is how to increase output per unit of input. In view of this, it is necessary that the available resources should be used economically and efficiently. This book studied the allocation of resources among the crops in the command area. The book will certainly prove beneficial to the Government, farmers, teachers, students and researchers.
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About the author

D.P. Takale

Dr. D.P. Takale has been working as a Reader in Economics, L.B.S. college, Partur. Dist. Jalna, Maharashtra. He is a post-graduate in Economics in 1988 and has secured first rank. He has completed M.Phil. Degree in 1992 and Ph.D. degree in 2001 from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkher marathwada University, Aurangabad. (Maharashtra). His professional career started in 1989 as a Lecturer in Economics in L.B.S. College, Partur Dist. Jalna. He has been actively engaged in teaching in Under graduate and post-graduate level. A number of research paper published in journals to his credit. Dr. D.P. Takale is also working as executive member of Marathi Arthshastra Parishad, Maharashtra. He is working as co-editor of "Arthbodha" (Publication of Marathwada Arthshastra Parishad).

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Bibliographic information

Title Resource-Use Efficiency in Indian Agriculture
Author D.P. Takale
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 818677162X
length xiv+184p., Tables; References; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.