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Agricultural and Regional Planning

D.N. Jha (Author)
Synopsis A strong case has been made out for regional planning in recent years. Agricultural planning is an important part of the national planning of a country. The present book deals with the problems of regional planning and manpower planning in the context of both India and Nepal. It is because of the lack of spatial planning that the social and economic structure of the country is still not motivated towards rapid economic structure of the country is still not motivated towards rapid economic change in some regions. The result is that we find unbalanced development in the country. The various indicators of inter-state disparities and the extent of regional imbalance prevailing in the economy have been analysed in this book . The strategy of agricultural development in Bihar and Nepal and various factors which are responsible for the backwardness of Bihar have been analysed. The book also discusses the poverty alleviation programmes like IRDP and their impact on the generation of employment opportunities. The problems discussed in the book will be found of immense help to students, teachers, researchers and all those interested in the problems of agricultural and regional planning.
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About the author

D.N. Jha

Dwijendra Narayan Jha is currently professor of history at the University of Delhi. Professor Jha’s works include Revenue System in Post-Maurya and Gupta Times (Calcutta, 1967), Ancient India: An Introductory Outline (Delhi, 19977), Studies in Early Indian Economic History (Delhi, 1980), Economy and Society in Early India: Issues and Paradigms (Delhi, 1993) and a number of articles published in Indian and foreign journals. He has to his credit several edited works including Feudal Social Formation in Early India (Delhi 1987) and Society and Ideology in India: Essays in Honour of Professor R.S. Sharma (Delhi, 1996).

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Bibliographic information

Title Agricultural and Regional Planning
Author D.N. Jha
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1989
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length viii+143p., Tables; References; Index; 22cm.