Diseases of Vegetable Crops
Knowledge of Vegetable Crops diseases is several thousand years old and it is not known exactly when man come to know realize their prevalence. The damage caused by diseases of vegetable crops have affected man all through the ages. Besides the recurrence of rusts and mildews of vegetable crops of diseases which caused large scale of death and famine. The book has been divided in 18 chapters. The various chapters have been written by persons in the long experience in this area of specialization. The chapter 1 deals with field diseases of beans and lima beans. Chapter 2 related to root rots, wilts and blights of peas. Chapter 3-5 deal with blights and other ills of celery, the important diseases of lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage and others. Chapter 6 described the hazards to onions in many areas. The Chapter 9-11 describes the preventing the diseases of peanuts, ways to combat disorders in the south. The Chapters 12-17 dealing with diseases of peppers, beets, carrots, spinach, mushroom, cucumbers, melons and squash. The Chapter 18 is unique and is related to developing healthier vegetables. This book shall be of great help to the researchers, teachers and students in the field of plant pathology.
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