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Air Pollution and Its Control

Sumit Malhotra (Author)
Synopsis Air Pollution has been growing since the Industrial Revolution. Rapid industrialization, burgeoning cities and greater dependence on fossil fuels have brought in their wake increased production of harmful pollutants, making life more and more unpleasant and unhealthy. Among the most common and virulent of air pollutants are sulphur dioxide, suspended particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and lead. In addition, there is evidence of a growing threat to human health from even indoor pollutants such as radons, formaldehyde, mercury and organic substances. To this end, this book is timely and appropriate as it focuses attention on most of the factors that are causing havoc in the present day to the sustainability of Earth. Various methods and techniques of air pollution and its control are also discussed. This book will be useful for students of Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences, Environmental Engineering and also researchers and teachers.
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About the author

Sumit Malhotra

Sumit Malhotra obtained a Master of Technology (Environmental Science and Engineering) from Jamia Milia Islamia University. He then went on to associate himself with his only passion – teaching environmental studies in various institutions imparting environment education. During a stint of five years, he also gained a M.Phil in Environment Education. He has already written four books and is currently writing a series of books on related topics in the field of Environmental Science. He is a life member of several reputed scientific societies and has chaired sessions at various conferences and seminars. At present, he is associated with the Society for Development of Environmental Awareness (SDEA), Bangalore.

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Bibliographic information

Title Air Pollution and Its Control
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pointer Publishers
Language: English
isbn 8171323871
length viii+224p., Figures; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.