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Social Cost-Benefit Analysis: An introduction to Financial and Economic Appraisal of Project

Krishan Chawla (Author)
Synopsis There are currently as many CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis) methodologies as there are CBA gurus. The chief aim of the present book is to guide the students of project appraisal as much as the practical project planner to a simple integrated framework and a practical calculus based on the socio-economic realities of the third world. Thus while those looking for a logical explanation of CBA concepts will find enough fare by way of theoretical underpinnings of the new discipline, it is the project analyst, the engineer, the finance manager, the development administrator, the economist concerned with micro-level investment planning and the students, pursuing a semester level course in universities and management training institutions who will find the book a practical vade mecum.
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About the author

Krishan Chawla

Dr. Krishna Chawla (b.1931) is currently a senior Faculty Member in the Indian institute of Public Administration, where he has been involved ink training, research and consultancy assignments. He has been conducting management development courses in Social cost-Benefit Analysis, Managerial Finance, Zero-Base Budgeting, Management Accounting and Managerial Economics. He was fellow in financial management in the UNDP Programme in training in public administration in the institute of social and administrative studies in the university of south pacific, FIJI where he conducted executive development programmes for the countries of the region including those in collaboration with UN asian and pacific development centre. Kuala Lumpur and Australian Development Assistance Bureau. Dr. Chawla has edited and authored several books in the areas of finance budgeting public enterprises etc

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Bibliographic information

Title Social Cost-Benefit Analysis: An introduction to Financial and Economic Appraisal of Project
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1990
Edition 2nd ed.
Language: English
isbn 817099022X
length xii+219p., Tables; Appendices; References; Index; 22cm.