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Biotech's Dictionary of Zoology

Dinesh Arora (Editor) Dinesh Arora (Compiler)
Synopsis The term 'dictionary' for a layman means a reference book that consists of a list of words along with their meanings. And, when one talks of a dictionary, he or she is implicitly understood as referring to a dictionary of English words. But unlike what our minds are tuned to think, a person who is talking about a dictionary might just be talking about a glossary of terms belonging to a particular subject. This is exactly where our series comes in the picture. The series consists of dictionaries on varied subjects, ranging from common topics like Commerce and Botany, to very profound and complicated subjects like Entomology and Toxicology. The use of simple and easily comprehensible language, along with real life examples and appropriate pictures, fosters an enriching learning experience for the readers. Zoology, or the study of animal species, is a science that has created a large, specialist vocabulary. Taxonomy, or science of naming species, involves thousands of names. Cytology, or the study of cells, involves hundreds of words for the organelles of the cell. The physiology and anatomy of human beings and animals needs the creation of many more words. The chemical and bio-chemical reactions involved in digestion, respiration, growth, hormone formation, etc. need hundreds of complex terms. It is apparent that Zoology cannot be studied without a good dictionary to guide the student when the going gets tough. Here is a dictionary that fulfills this need. It not only covers terms used in Taxonomy, Cytology and Biochemistry, but it also covers the new grounds of ecology of environmentalism. Definitions are detailed and the reader can read the dictionary as a text to increase his general knowledge of Zoology.
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Bibliographic information

Title Biotech's Dictionary of Zoology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Biotech Books
Language: English
isbn 8176221244
length 312p., Figures; Plates; 23cm.