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Sustainable Agriculture

Rajiv K. Sinha (Author)
Synopsis In the coming decades and by the year 2020, there will be an extra. 1.5. billion people to be fed. This is another challenge, and as great as it was faced 40-50 years ago which necessitated the first green revolution. This came as a 'mixed blessing' for mankind. If the increasing threat of soil degradation, food contamination, crop genetic erosion and food shortages in world has to be avoided, there has to be a pragmatic changes in the farming policies and practices. Sustainable agriculture requires a judicious combination of some new technological innovations with the 'traditional wisdoms' of ancient farming communities. We will need further genetic improvement in our conventional crop plants for increasing quantity and also 'nutritional quality' of the food, resistant not only to 'pest and diseases' but also to 'drought and salinity'. We need to 'conserve the crop genetic resources' and also search for 'new sources of alternative food' from the wild with 'high nutritional value' and 'shorter harvest cycle' to bring into our modern food culture. The book discusses about the social, economic, ecological and the technological aspects of food production vis-a-vis the right's and rewards for the food producers--the feeders of the nation.
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About the author

Rajiv K. Sinha

Dr. Rajiv K. Sinha, Ph.D., is currently ‘Senior Research Fellow’ at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. He started his career as a lecturer in ‘botany’ at A.N. College, Patna in 1971, after completing his Master’s at Patna University. He did his Ph.D. from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, where he taught ‘human ecology’ and ‘environmental sciences’ from 1988 to 1999 before shifting to Australia. Dr. Sinha has published over 70 papers and 9 books to date. He has supervised 7 Ph.D. scholars and over 100 PG students, a number of them on issues related to sustainable agriculture. He is a well traveled scholar and has visited Canada, England, Germany, Iceland and Switzerland in academic connections.

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Bibliographic information

Title Sustainable Agriculture
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8186599606
length xxi+370p., Tables; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.