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Women and Development: The Indian Experience

Mira Seth (Author)
Synopsis This important book is a comprehensive and analytical account of women’s development programmes since India’s independence. Replete with comparisons from around the world, it discusses the status of Indian women based on regional, religious, caste and class divides. This pioneering book is written from the perspective of a development administrator who has taken an active part in many of these processes—in the role of a policy maker, planner and actual implementer of programmes for women’s development. It will be of interest to government agencies, non-governmental organisations, social workers and those in the fields of gender studies, policy and planning, family planning and welfare, and human resource development.
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About the author

Mira Seth

Dr. Mira Seth is a distinguished art historian who has spent several years doing research work on Indian painting. She has specialized on frescoes and murals in India. Seth’s previous publications include The Wall Paintings of the Western Himalayas (1976), The Dogra Wall Paintings of Jammu and Kashmir (1987), and The Wall Paintings of Rajasthan (2003). She believes that Indian art should be studied in the context of its aesthetics and techniques and not merely for their themes and that painting is also a product of the geographical, historical and economic structure of the area which gives it birth.

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Bibliographic information

Title Women and Development: The Indian Experience
Author Mira Seth
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2001
Edition 1st Ed.
Language: English
isbn 0761994874
length xx+284p., 23cm.