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Methods of Teaching History

Chhaya Shukla (Author)
Synopsis History as a subject has always been of great interest for young ones. It became a tradition that history should be so taught as not to add to school burdens, that it should be so taught as to suggest play and story listening rather than work and a boring subject. This book discusses various method and practices of teaching history. It offers also a few suggestions in the field of history teaching. It is hoped that this book will prove useful to all the students and teachers of history.
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About the author

Chhaya Shukla

Chhaya Shukla, did her M.A. in English Literature from Lucknow University in 1996. She did her B.Ed. from Kanpur University. She is nowadays teaching in Lucknow. Besides teaching she has a great urge for writing. Her fields of interest include the social work, book reading writing, attending seminars, and the upliftment of women.

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Bibliographic information

Title Methods of Teaching History
Author Chhaya Shukla
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Sumit Enterprises
Language: English
isbn 8188837075
length viii+200p.