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Bhaavatraya Prabhakaram: An Insight into PR Bhaava Lord Astrology

Muthireddy Prabhakar (Author)

If you have tried all the different systems of astrology but have been a tad disappointed that you have not been able to give accurate predictions, relax – you are not alone! This disappointment and dissatisfaction have actually spurred the author to discover this new system based on the “Bhaava Lord System”, which is not only better but also relatively more accurate in predicting events. Since the proof of the pudding is in eating it, don’t take our word for it – read the book again and again, understand and master the principles based on scores of charts given as examples, and see for yourself!

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Bibliographic information

Title Bhaavatraya Prabhakaram: An Insight into PR Bhaava Lord Astrology
Format Softcover
Date published: 11.12.2023
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Sagar Publications
Language: English
isbn 9788196619091
length 790p.,