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Russulales of Sikkim: A Collection of Wild Mushrooms

Kanad Das (Author)

Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Methodology. 3. Morphology and technical terms. 4. Study area. 5. Systematic enumeration. 6. Phylogenetic estimations. 7. References. 8. Index.

Russulales, one of the major orders of macrofungi, encompasses some mushroom-forming genera which are saprobes, parasites, or mycorrhizae and are responsible for key functioning of any terrestrial ecosystem. This pictorial manual illustrates the diversity of mycobiota in this order including 73 species belonging to the genera Bondarzewia, Hericium, Russula, Lactarius and Lactifluus which were comes across by the author in Sikkim (India) during recent years. Out of these 73 species, 44 were established as new to science from this country during 2011 to 2021. The genus Russula was the largest genus with 36 species followed by Lactarius with 23 species, Lactifluus with 10 species. Hericium with three species and Bondarzewia with only a single species. Amateurs, mushroom hunters, professional mycologists, conservationists, foresters and policymakers will undoubtedly be benefited with the morphological descriptions, macrochemical colour reactions, field photographs, micromorphological line drawings, taxonomical information, phylogenetic estimations and user friendly keys for easy separation of species, presented in this book.

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Bibliographic information

Title Russulales of Sikkim: A Collection of Wild Mushrooms
Author Kanad Das
Format Hardcover
Date published: 27.10.2023
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788196264055
length 218p., Col Plates, Figs, Tables, Map