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Agro-Climatology Advances and Challenges

T N Balasubramanian (Author) R. Jagannathan (Author) V. Geethalakshmi (Author)

The statement “Be weather wise- Otherwise - Not wise is the new jargon developed by the senior author of this book by 1998 and this indicates the importance of weather and climate to human society and other associates’ life in the earth. This is an action-oriented jargon covering the lives of the earth from A to Z. In the earlier publications on agricultural meteorology and climatology, only theoretical parts have been covered elaborately. But in this publication, little part in theoretical side is covered, leaving major scope to cover under practical sides of the subject.


There are 10 chapters in this book covering crop -weather interaction and agro-met observatory, agro-climatic analysis, crop micro-meteorology, remote sensing, crop simulation models, weather codes and their management, integrated weather forecast and agro advisories, climate change, livestock climatology/meteorology and astro-meteorology. Hence this book becomes all in one publication.

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Bibliographic information

Title Agro-Climatology Advances and Challenges
Format Hardcover
Date published: 07.12.2021
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788194766896
length 332p.