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Kitabal-Hawifi Al-tibb: Liber Continens: In Arabic; Parallel Translation in English In 2 Volumes)

Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al- Razi (Author)

 Last but not the least, this book is not less than Medical Encyclopadia by any parameter. Therefore, it was dubbed as “Medical Evangel” throughout Europe in olden days. The book, for its copious Materia-Medica, was translated in several languages and was included in University curriculae. As far as its Arabic text is concerned, it was published for the first time by Dair. It is in (24) volumes. This is the most voluminous book among Daira Publicaions. Its editing work was based upon the manuscripts, obtained from Italian and Asian Libraries. Several editors contributed to its work in diffrent periods.

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Bibliographic information

Title Kitabal-Hawifi Al-tibb: Liber Continens: In Arabic; Parallel Translation in English In 2 Volumes)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 28.02.2019
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length 29cm.