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How is a Man Reborn

Swami Satprakashananda (Author)

The doctrine of reincarnation is taken for granted, and almost as a matter of common sense, in a large part of Asia. In the Western world it was widely accepted before it was anathematized by the Church at the Council of Constantinople in A.D. 543. On account of its reasonableness it is again widely accepted in the West. In view of the spread of the scientific outlook in the East and of the rebirth doctrine in West, a clear and concise exposition of the doctrine in relation to the findings of modern biology will be interest to many people. How is a Man Reborn? is such an exposition. It was first published in the July and August 1970 numbers of Prabuddha Bharata. We are now publishing it in booklet from for the benefit of a wider public. The author, Swami Satprakashananda was a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order and founder-head of the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, U.S.A. We are thankful to him for preparing the article for Prabuddha Bharata in the first place, and also for agreeing to its present republication. From his discussion of the subject it will be evident that rebirth doctrine has nothing to fear from the findings of modern science. On the contrary, it explains a variety of facts which neither science nor any other doctrine of theory is able to explain so satisfactorily. The doctrine of rebirth and its complementary law of Karma bear directly on the subject for creative, responsible living.

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About the author

Swami Satprakashananda

Swami Satprakashananda was born in April 1988 at Dhaka. He has the good fortune of meting Swami Vivekananda in person in 1901, when the letter visited Dhaka on his pilgrimage to a great extent in building up the Ramakrishna math and the Ramakrishana Mission Center at Dhaka in their initial stages.

He came into close contact with Swami Brahamananda, first President of the Ramakrishna Order, in 1908, and was initiated by him. A graduate of the University of Calcutta, he renounced the world and joined the Order at the Dhaka Centre in 1924. He was formally ordained as a Sannyasin in 1927 by Swami Shivananda, second President of the Order at Varanasi. Later, he was closely associated with the publication of Prabuddha Bharata for three years, after which he was asked to take charge of the Ramakrishana Mission Centre at New Delhi.

Swami Satprakashananda established a permanent Vedanta Society at St. Louis (205 Sough Skinker Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri-63105, U.S.A.) in 1938 and became the Minister-in-charge of the Society, in which position he remained until the last. He passed away in 1979.

A well-versed scholar in Sanskrit scriptures, and through student of philosophy, he is the author of several books, such as How Is A Man Reborn? Hinduism & Christianity, Sri Ramakrishna's Life and Massage in Present Age etc. His books are noted for their depth of understanding and lucidity of presenting a difficult subject.

Genial by temperament and gentle by nature, the Swami spontaneously won the hearts of those who came in contact with him and sought his guidance in matters spiritual. He had a benevolent heart. He has left behind a number of disciples, both men and women, in the U.S.A. Who cherish his memory with great respect and reverence.

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Bibliographic information

Title How is a Man Reborn
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Advaita Ashrama
Language: English
isbn 9788185301310
length 48p., 6.3" X 4.0"cm.