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The Yoga Philosophy (Speeches and Writings of Virchand R. Gandhi)

Kumarpal Desai (Author)

`The Yoga Philosophy' is an immensely significat contribution by Virchand Gandhi to the existing store of knowledge about India's ancient culture, philosophy and spiritual heritage. In 1893, at the World Religions Conference in Chicago, he along with Swami Vivekanand, discoursed on the tenets of Indian religions. During the course of his address, he discussed the basic tenets of Jainism and especially the Philosophy of Anekant which reflects the fundamental unity underlying all religions. In the present volume vast array of subjects are covered ranging from Yoga to hypnotism, occult powers, science of breathing and many others. Virchand Gandhi throws ample light on these abstruse subjects and his erudition is much in evidence.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Yoga Philosophy (Speeches and Writings of Virchand R. Gandhi)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length 210p., 18 Color Illustrations; 8.50 X 5.50cm.