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Physical Education: U.G.C.-NET, T.G.T., P.G.T. and Other Competitive Examinations (Physical Education Competitive Examination Book Based on New UGC Syllabus- 2019

A.K. Uppal (Editor) V. Satyanarayana (Author)

"""The present book “Physical Education U.G.C.-NET, T.G.T., P.G.T. and Other Competitive Examinations” is a useful, important and handbook for the students, teachers of Physical Education and Sports. The book is arranged in a lucid form and written in very easy, interesting and simple English language. There are 16 units in this book. Each Unit describes briefly important topics pertaining physical education and sports with important, new and latest objective type questions with their answers at the end of each unit. The book is strictly based on the newly prescribed syllabus and will be immensely useful for the students preparing themselves for various competitive examinations viz., U.G.C., NET, T.G.T., P.G.T. etc."""

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Bibliographic information

Title Physical Education: U.G.C.-NET, T.G.T., P.G.T. and Other Competitive Examinations (Physical Education Competitive Examination Book Based on New UGC Syllabus- 2019
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2019
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789388269162
length xii+1207p., Illustrations., (Black and White); 28cm.
Subjects Sports