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Media Strategies For Public Relations and Marketing


The Mass Manipulative Model of the Media proposed by academics such as Stuart Hall cites “structured ideological biases” as significant influences on the selection and presentation of news by the media. At a practical level, there have been numerous studies showing osmosis and hegemony - passed down attitudes and practices within the culture of media organisations - exerting a major influence on media reporting. Increasingly in the past few decades, public relations has been cited as a major influence on modern mass media, but journalists reject such suggestions too and cling to an ideologically-based notion of independence and objectivity. This book examines the relationship between the media and public relations (PR), and is timely given worldwide growth of the PR ‘industry’, a number of recent controversies involving the media and PR, and conflicting claims over the role and impact of public relations.

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Bibliographic information

Title Media Strategies For Public Relations and Marketing
Format Hardcover
Date published: 14.09.2019
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Amiga Press
Language: English
isbn 9789387295292
length 206p.