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Concepts in Paediatrics: Pulmonology

Atul Choube (Author)

The goal of the "CONCEPTS IN PAEDIATRICS : PULMONOLOGY" is to inform medical students, residents and physicians the principles of diagnosis and therapy of pulmonary diseases. The target audience are all practicing paediatricians, physicians and health care professionals who provide patient care to population. Upon reading of this book the readers will be able to learn pulmonary paediatrics including pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation and management of diseases of lungs. The book enables the learners to recognize symptoms and signs of respiratory diseases including respiratory failure, respiratory infections and congenital and acquired lung problems.

Contents: Preface. 1. Pulmonary physiology. 2. Pulmonary growth. 3. Pulmonary ventilation. 4. Pulmonary circulation. 5. Pulmonary gas exchange. 6. Pulmonary oxygen transport. 7. Oxygen therapy. 8. Pulmonary Carbon Di-oxide transport. 9. Cellular respiration. 10. Regulation of respiration. 11. Disorders of regulation of respiration. 12. Nonrespiratory pulmonary functions. 13. Clinics in pulmonology. 14. Procedures in pulmonology.15. Pulmonary radiology. 16. Pulmonary function tests. 17. Pulmonary disease and age. 18. Pulmonary metabolic and endocrine functions. 19. Pulmonary disease: metabolic basis. 20. Pulmonary intensive care. 21. Pulmonary failure. 22. Pulmonary neonatal disorders. 23. Pulmonary congenital malformations. 24. Pleural effusion. 25. Pneumothorax. 26. Atelectasis. 27. Pulmonary edema. 28. Asthma. 29. Pulmonary tuberculosis. 30. Immotile cilia syndrome. 31. Legionnaires disease. 32. Loeffler syndrome. 33. Antifungal drugs. 34. Croup. 35. Chronic bronchitis.36. Bronchiolitis. 37. Bronchiolitis obliterans. 38. Staphylococcal pneumonia. 39. Bronchiectasis. 40. Lung abscess. 41. Empyema . 42. Sids. 43. Pulmonary haemorrhage. 44. Pulmonary allergic disorders.

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Bibliographic information

Title Concepts in Paediatrics: Pulmonology
Author Atul Choube
Format Softcover
Date published: 21.08.2019
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789388022170
length 332p.