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Implants: A Total Anchorage Device

Sommya Kumari (Author)

This first edition of the book Implants - A Total Anchorage Device is now respectfully presented to the seniors, colleagues and the postgraduate students of orthodontics. A comprehensive manuscript of the recent advancements is always awaited. And is more difficult to gain a thorough insight about the topic which has got a very few pages in the text books. Therefore, this book was compiled to provide a thorough insight to the most recent topic in the speciality of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. It was really difficult to write the book, but the guidance and blessings of mentors was always next to me to reach the goal. It is confidently believed that this book will furnish the necessary information essential to successful orthodontic implant handling. While the difficulties are likely to be encountered in the clinical practice, but I have recognized the potential problems and presented here a detailed clinical description. All the chapters have been carefully designed and described as well. The figures in each part have been carefully labelled, being suited to a very young clinician, whose time is limited. This book itself is a complete clinical guide to success. 

Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. History and review of literature. 3. Classification. 4. Requirements of an ideal implant material. 5. Characteristics of ideal anchorage device. 6. Design features hat enhance clinical efficiency. 7. Factors influencing stability. 8. Design features that enhance stability. 9. Failure of the mini-implant. 10. Diagnosis and evaluation. 11. Selection of the insertion site. 12. Armamentarium. 13. Surgical procedures. 14. Installation procedure. 15. Protocols for preventing root injuries. 16. Biomechanics. 17. Future trend. 18. Discussion. 19. Conclusion. Bibliography.

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Bibliographic information

Title Implants: A Total Anchorage Device
Author Sommya Kumari
Format Softcover
Date published: 13.08.2019
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789388022132
length 87p.