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Social Work Practice: Expanding Scope and Challenges

C P Singh (Editor) Vanita Dhingra (Editor)

In the last three decades we have witnessed a remarkable change in the social work education in India with swift increase in the number of institutions offering social work teaching and training. This has posed a challenge before the social work practitioners on how to enrich the practice part of social work education and training which is the core of social work profession. The present volume compiles essays on various aspects of social work practice, starting from individual to family, community and in society at large. These essays elaborate upon many theoretical concepts and their practical use with the changing scenario in our society. It has been established and also recognized by the international bodies like UNO, UNDP, UNICEF, WHO etc. that for the success of programmes for human development, social work intervention is very important. With the increasing recognition of social work as a profession and as a behavioural science, social work practitioners have not only helped individuals and families but their skills are now being harnessed by industries, commercial firms, multinational corporations, health agencies, hospitals and a range of public and private social agencies. These research papers are an outcome of in-depth study, work with clients and analysis done by the expert contributors in their respective field. This book will provide readers with a sound foundation on which social work practitioners could develop their expertise in social work practice.    

Contents: I. Social Work Practice in Life Situations and Field Realities: 1. Social Work Practice: Scope and Challenges/R.R. Singh. 2. Women Empowerment: A Social Work Challenge/Raj Bhanti. 3. Social Work Intervention in Re-establishing of Social Functioning of a Psychoneurotic: A Case Study of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)/C.P. Singh. 4. CSR and Social Work Practice: New Perspectives, Opportunites and Challenges/Deepak Walokar. 5. Social Work Practice: Concerns and Challenges in 21st Century/R.B.S. Verma. 6 Environmental Impact Assessment of Coal Mining in Jaintia Hills District of Meghalaya/B.P. Sahu and P. Nongtdu. II. Social Work Practice in Mental Health and Family Conflict: 7. Do Spiritual Beliefs Foretell Better Abstinence Periods among Persons with Alcohol Dependence? /Arthur Julian Anthony Joseph and Dhanasekara R. Pandian. 8. Exploring Positive Stress in Academic Setting: A Qualitative Approach in Indian Context/Rutwik J. Gandhe. 9 Impact of Marital Conflicts and Family Breakdown on Couples’ Well-Being: Social Work Implication/Rashi. III. Social Work Practice with Women and Children: 10. Child Care and Protection: Challenges for Social Work Practice/Vanita Dhingra. 11. Child Labour in Informal Sector: Social Work Intervention with Child Rag Pickers Problem/Geetika Malhotra and Darshan Singh. 12. Sexual Abuse and Adolescent Girls: An Experience of Rural Areas of Delhi/Seema Rani. 13. Empowering Parents Through Standardized Electronic Booklet on Different Parenting Styles/S. Sharma, B. Bhatnagar and S. Madaan. 14. Social Work Practice Towards Meeting Human Rights: An Overview/Satish Kumar and M.N. Parmar. IV. Social Work Methods and Practice: 15. Implication of Social Work in Poverty Reduction in India/Digvijay Kumar. 16. Criminal Justice System and Social Work Practice in India: Adapting to New Challenges/Aditya Mishra. 17. Social Work Practice in Industry/Balinder Singh. 18. Food Insecurity Among the Homeless in Delhi: An Exploration of Survival Strategies and Options/Kirti Arya.  

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Bibliographic information

Title Social Work Practice: Expanding Scope and Challenges
Format Hardcover
Date published: 05.08.2019
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Rawat Publications
Language: English
isbn 9788131610855
length 277p.