Scott's Pedia-Tricks: Written By the Students, for the Students
Description A comprehenisve guide to pass the pediatric practical examination for the undergraduate student. Highlights of this edition: Inclusion of new authors - We have attempted to include both the younger generation medical teachers as well the senior experts in the field. The contents have been arranged according to systems for easier navigation. Chapters have been designed such that key concepts are highlighted. Many chapters have been added, completely revised or been rewritten. Chapters that have been revised and updated: History taking and Systemic Examination chapters Nutrition History Development Cerebral Palsy Stroke in Children Ataxia in Children Down Syndrome Nephrotic Syndrome Viva-VOCE section New sections that have been added: Respiratory System chapters Essential Genetics for exams Inborn errors of Metabolism Endocrinology section Infections section Rheumatology section New chapters that have been added: Child with Cholestasis Fever with Hepatosplenomegaly Afebrile Hepatosplenomegaly Extra-Hepatic Portal Venous Obstruction Hepatosplenomegaly with Pallor - Hemolytic Anemias Undernutrition in children Breast feeding Acute Glomerulonephritis Social programmes.
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Srinivasa Raghavan R.