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Sanskrit Buddhism in Burma

Nihar Ranjan Ray (Author)

This book attempts to explain one of the many aspects of the culture-complex of early Indo-Burmese history; at the same time it seeks to initiate another chapter in the history of the expansion of Indian religions and culture outside India’s natural geographical boundaries. The subject of this book is but little known and very little has so far been done to elucidate the vague general ideas that exist amongst scholars about it. The materials used in this work are mostly archaeological and drawn from literary sources, but only so far as they are substantiated by archaeological evidence so as to cover all relevant inscriptions, sculptures, paintings and monuments known from Burma.

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Bibliographic information

Title Sanskrit Buddhism in Burma
Format Hardcover
Date published: 23.02.2019
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Kaveri Books
Language: English
isbn 9788174792204