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Obstetrics and Gynaecological Ultrasound for Beginners

Archana Baser (Author) Hena Dhingra (Author) Ors . (Author)

Contents: I. Introduction: 1. Back to Basics/Archana Baser, Alia K Zaidi and Anshu Baser. 2. Know Your Machine/Aniruddh Badade and Alia K Zaidi. II. Obstetrics: 3. Normal and Abnormal Early Pregnancy/Archana Baser and Alia K Zaidi. 4. First Trimester Ultrasound Anomaly Screening/Parth Shah. 5. Second Trimester Fetal Anatomical Survey/Chinmaya Ratha. 6. Common Second Trimester Anomalies/J.P. Shah. 7. Fetal Biometry/Archana Baser, Alia K Zaidi and Hena Dhingra. 8. Normal and Abnormal Placenta/P.K. Shah, Lovely Jethwani. 9. Role of Ultrasound for Amniotic Fluid Assessment and Related Abnormalities/P.K. Shah and Lovely Jethwani. 10. Ultrasound and Intrauterine Growth Restriction/Mumtaz P. 11. Assessment and Monitoring of Cervical Length in Prelabor and Labor/GiGi Selvan. 12. Multiple Pregnancy/Archana Baser, Varsha Mahajan and Hena Dhingra. 13. Ultrasound-Guided Fetal Invasive Procedures/Preeti Tomar. 14. ABCs of Doppler/Mumtaz P. 3. Gynaecology: 15. Normal Female Reproductive Sonoanatomy/Archana Baser and Varsha Mahajan. 16. Evaluation of Uterine Lesions/Sri Devi. 17. Three-Dimensional Ultrasound in Uterine Pathologies/Sonal Panchal. 18. Evaluation of Ovarian Pathologies/Archana Baser and Varsha Mahajan. 19. Evaluation of the Adnexa/Archana Baser, Varsha Mahajan. 20. Ultrasound and Reproductive Medicine/Archana Baser, Nikita Sanghvi, Anshu Baser. Index.

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Bibliographic information

Title Obstetrics and Gynaecological Ultrasound for Beginners
Format Softcover
Date published: 13.02.2019
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789352705603
length 280p.