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Aryaman Darda (Author)

There is a humming bird and a cow; a busy bazaar and a walk on the beach, a delicious breakfast and a few snowflakes. Aryaman darda brings poetry to everyday life and humdrum objects, perceptively imagining and recreating things, so they stand out with an entity we would not have otherwise known. The poems included in this volume are curated to take you from the realm of real life to a life of fantasy, and then bring you back, all the richer from the experience. Written with the enthusiasm of a young heart and the perception of a keenly observant mind, Aryaman Darda’s poems will leave you wanting for more. Turn the pages, read on and be engulfed by snowflakes!.

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Bibliographic information

Title Snowflakes
Author Aryaman Darda
Format Softcover
Date published: 05.02.2019
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789353333393
length 88p.