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Health Hygiene and Yoga

Dr. Manju Shukla (Author)

Need for education on yoga including asanas and pranayama at the higher education level has been felt since long. During their busy schedule of lectures, laboratory classes, assignments, tests, projects, and term papers students tend to neglect their health and hygiene. This not only affects their health and wellbeing but also the quality of their academic performance.

Though many classic texts on Yoga are available but these usually attract a person well versed in the discipline. A lucid book on Yoga for beginners as a text book for higher education classes is needed. Also, there is need for a text which also addresses the overall health and hygiene in students.

The book entitled 'Health, Hygiene and Yoga', meets these requirements effectively. The book is based on the curriculum for course with the same title for the first year students of undergraduate degree in engineering and technology.

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About the author

Dr. Manju Shukla

Dr. Manju Shukla (b. 29th Dec. 1964) at Khairagarh (C.G). She selected her field of study in Hindi, Music & Yoga because of her family background and values. She got diploma in 'Yoga and cultural synthesis' from Kaivalyadhama, Lona-vala, Pune in 1991. She did her M.A. from Ladnu university in Prekshadhyana and Yoga and awarded Ph-D. from R.D. university, Jabalpur (M.P).

She started her teaching life from M.G. Gramodaya Vishvavidyalaya, Chitrakoot M.P. in 1993 after that she taught yoga in yoga kendra R.D. University, Jabalpur. At present she is teaching yoga in National Institute of Technology (NIT) Raipur (C.G).

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Bibliographic information

Title Health Hygiene and Yoga
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2018
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789385538315
length 86p., Throughout Color Illustrations; 9.0 Inch X 6.0 Inch.