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The Issues in East Indian Archaeology

Dilip K Chakrabarti (Author)
Synopsis Archaeology is a neglected field of study in eastern India. However, the area from Arunachal to Orissa and Bihar covers a very large chunk of the subcontinent and is also along its most distinctive cultural areas. From this point of view the establishment of a new archaeological research institute, Centre for Archaeological Studies and Training, in Calcutta by the Directorate of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Bengal, is a welcome development. In September 1996 the author who possesses a grassroots familiarity with the issues facing archaeological research in this region delivered a number of lectures at the invitation of this institute. The purpose of these lectures was to assess the current status of archaeological knowledge about east India and highlight some of its research priorities. The picture has been portrayed as objectively as possible and may help in the planning of archaeological research in this part of India.
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About the author

Dilip K Chakrabarti

Dilip K. Chakrabarty is University lecturer in south Asian archaeology at Cambridge University. His recent publications include Archaeological Geography of the Ganga Plain: the Lower and the Middle Ganga (Delhi 2001) and The Archaeology of European Expansion in India: Gujarat, c. 16th-18th Centuries (in Press). His current field-research programmes include a historical geographical study of the upper Ganga plain and a similar study of the routes which linked the Ganga plain with the Deccan.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Issues in East Indian Archaeology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1998
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121508045
length vi+151p., Illustrations; Maps; References; Index.