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Flora of Uttarakhand, Volume 1: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (Ranunculaceae-Moringaceae)

Prashant K. Pusalkar (Author) S.K. Srivastava (Author)

Contents: Foreword. Preface. I. Introduction. 1. Physiography. 2. Geology and soil. 3. Drainage. 4. Climate. 5. Vegetation. 6. Floristic explorations and botanical studies. 7. Literature review. 8. Floristic analysis. 9. Phytogeographical affinities. 10. Non native and invasive species. 11. Endemic and threatened species. 12. Conservation. 13. Economic importance. 14. Presentation of the flora. II. Bibliography. III. Systematic enumeration: 15. Gymnosperms. 16. Ephedraceae. 17. Cupressaceae. 18. Pinaceae. 19. Taxaceae. 20. Angiosperms. 21. Ranunculaceae. 22. Circaeasteraceae. 23. Paeoniaceae. 24. Magnoliaceae. 25. Dilleniaceae. 26. Schisandraceae. 27. Annonaceae. 28. Menispermaceae. 29. Berberidaceae. 30. Nymphaeaceae. 31. Nelumbonaceae. 32. Papaveraceae. 33. Brassicaceae. 34. Capparaceae. 35. Cleomaceae. 36. Violaceae. 37. Bixaceae. 38. Flacourtiaceae. 39. Pittosporaceae. 40. Polygalaceae. 41. Caryophyllaceae. 42. Portulacaceae. 43. Tamaricaceae. 44. Elatinaceae. 45. Hypericaceae. 46. Clusiaceae. 47. Theaceae. 48. Pentaphylacaceae. 49. Actinidiaceae. 50. Dipterocarpaceae. 51. Malvaceae. 52. Elaeocarpaceae. 53. Linaceae. 54. Malpighiaceae. 55. Nitrariaceae. 56. Zygophyllaceae. 57. Biebersteiniaceae. 58. Geraniaceae. 59. Oxalidaceae. 60. Averrhoaceae. 61. Balsaminaceae. 62. Rutaceae. 63. Simaroubaceae. 64. Orchaceae. 65. Burseraceae. 66. Meliaceae. 67. Olacaceae. 68. Icacinaceae. 69. Aquifoliaceae. 70. Celastraceae. 71. Rhamnaceae. 72. Vitaceae. 73. Sapindaceae. 74. Hippocastanaceae. 75. Aceraceae. 76. Melianthaceae. 77. Staphyleaceae. 78. Sabiaceae. 79. Anacardiaceae. 80. Coriariaceae. 81. Moringaceae. Index Botaical names. Index vernacular and common Names.

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About the author

S.K. Srivastava

Dr. S.K. Srivastava is presently working as a faculty member in Psychology Department at Gurukul Kangri University, Hardwar. Dr. S.K. Srivastava received his Ph.D. Degree in Psychology (Department of Humanities and Social Sciences) from IIT Roorkee, his field of specialization being Industrial/Organizational Psychology. He owned National Scholarship for postgraduate course and UGC Research Fellowship for his Ph.D. Work. He also has served as Lecturer in Psychology in the Department of Higher Education, Haryana for three years, and since 1986 he has been a faculty member of Psychology Department at Gurukul Kangri University, Hardwar. Dr. Srivastava is associated with various academic bodies in the field of Psychology and Management. Dr. Srivastava has supervised research work leading to award of fifteen Ph.Ds and Sixty Master Degree. He has contributed more than Ninety-Five research papers and articles to various journals in India and Abroad. He has to his credit four books, two conference proceedings and five psychological instruments, which are widely used in psychological and social research. Dr. Srivastava has completed four research projects sponsored and financed by ICSSR and UGC, New Delhi. He has organized two conferences at National and International levels in Gurukul Kangri University, Hardwar. Simultaneously, he has been member of Executive Committee of International Association for Peace Psychology (IAPP).

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Bibliographic information

Title Flora of Uttarakhand, Volume 1: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (Ranunculaceae-Moringaceae)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 27.08.2018
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 8181770943
length xlvi+1099p., 36 Col; Plates; 2 Maps.