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The Interface of Science and Religion: An Introductory Study

Rodinmawia Ralte (Author)

This book is an introduction to the interface of science and religion. It includes a wide range of subjects related to science and religion, such as, scientific explanations of the universe; scientific discoveries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; theories on the origin of the universe; philosophy and sociology of science with the highlights on the contributions of some of the philosophers and sociologists of science. It also covers areas like historical survey of the relationship between science and religion and models of science-religion relations; the ethical issues in genetic sciences and also the negative impacts of modern scientific developments; social studies of science with special reference to feminist critiques of science and postcolonial studies of science. At the end, it presents the whole crux of the topic with a discussion on the theological responses to science and religion dialogue.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Interface of Science and Religion: An Introductory Study
Format Hardcover
Date published: 02.11.2017
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789351482215
length xvi+243p.