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Handbook on Pressurized Irrigation Techniques

A. Phocaides (Author)

A comprehensive approach to agricultural water productivity requires actions at all levels, from crops to irrigation schemes, and up to national and international economic systems. In particular, shifting to modern on-farm irrigation practices can contribute to a substantial increase in both water use efficiency and water productivity.

The objective of this handbook is to provide a practical guide on the use of pressurized irrigation techniques to farmers, irrigation technicians, and extension workers in the field. In this second edition, the handbook has been considerably revised, including new chapters on low-cost drip irrigation and pipe distribution systems for smallholders.

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Bibliographic information

Title Handbook on Pressurized Irrigation Techniques
Author A. Phocaides
Format Hardcover
Date published: 30.10.2017
Edition 2nd. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789383692811
length 227p.