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Science in Medicine: The JCI Textbook of Molecular Medicine

American Society (Author) Clinical Investigation (Author)

Science in Medicine: The JCI Textbook of Molecular Medicine is a collection of acclaimed articles published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation during the Journal’s tenure at Columbia University. The society that publishes the JCI, the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), is an honor society of physician scientists, representing those who are at the forefront of translating findings in the laboratory to the advancement of clinical practice. This textbook brings together state-of-the-art reviews written by the world's leading authorities, including many ASCI members. The reviews examine the molecular mechanisms underlying a wide array of diseases and disorders affecting all major organ systems. The fundamentals of the organ or physiological systems in question are presented alongside the underlying genetic or physiological abnormalities that result in disease. This text illustrates the translation of basic scientific knowledge into the current practice of clinical medicine. The reviews provide an authoritative and comprehensive overview by building on known scientific concepts and treatment of human disease while exploring where these advances might take medicine over the next decade. The book is a valuable resource for medical students, graduate students, house staff, attending and practicing physicians, and biomedical researchers.

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Title Science in Medicine: The JCI Textbook of Molecular Medicine
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2010
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Jones & Company
Language: English
isbn 9789380108551