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Botany for Degree Students Fungi

B.R. Vashishta (Author) A.K. Sinha (Author) Anil Kumar (Author)

Throws light on Whittaker's five kingdom system and beyond, economic importance of fungi and recent developments in fungal taxonomy (AFTOL ):

• Includes a chapter on plant parasitic nematodes discussing briefly their life cycle, common symptoms and control measures.

• Pedagogically enriched with close to 1000 coloured diagrams and images as well as engaging chapter-end exercises.

Contents: I. Division Mycota: 1. The Fungi: General Characters and Classification. 2. Subdivision: Myxomycotina, Class: Myxomycetes. 3. Subdivision: Eumycotina, The Lower Fungi (Phycomycetes). 4. ubdivision: Eumycotina, Class: Chytridiomycetes. 5. Subdivision: Eumycotina, Class: Plasmodiophoromycetes. 6. Subdivision: Eumycotina, Class: Oomycetes. 7. Subdivision: Eumycotina, Class: Zygomycetes. 8. Subdivision: Eumycotina, The Higher Fungi. 9. Subclass: Hemiascomycetidae (Yeasts). 10. Subclass: Euascomycetidae, Series — Plectomycetes. 11. Subclass: Euascomycetidae, Series — Hymenoasco. 12. Subclass: Euascomycetidae, Sub-Sereis: Discomycetes. 13. The Higher Fungi, Class: Basidiomycetes. 14. Subclass: Heterobasidiomycetidae. 15. Subclass: Homobasidiomycetidae. 16. Class: Deuteromycetes (Fungi Imperfecti). 17. Fungi: General Topics and Discussion. 2. Schizomycota, Viruses and Mycoplasma: 1. Schizomycota: Bacteria. 2. Viruses, Viroids and Mycoplasma. 3. Lichens: IV. Elementary Plant Pathology: 1. Principles of Plant Pathology. 2. Examples of Important Plant Diseases. 3. Plant Parasitic Nematodes.

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About the authors

A.K. Sinha

Dr. Anil Kumar Sinha (b. 1948) is Assistant Director, Forensic Science Laboratory, Assam, Kahilipara, Gauhati. He got a First Class Master’s Degree in Physics. Later, joined the Law Faculty at the University of Gauhati and got L.L.M. (1980) and Ph.D. in Law (1989). He also passed the Certificates of Proficiency in French and Russian Languages from the Gauhati University standing first class first. He served as a Guest Lecturer in Law and an invitee lecturer as a resource person to teach L.L.B. and L.L.M. students of the Gauhati University. He was on the distinguished panel of teachers in the Assam Administrative Staff College, at Dispur, Assam. He was also a guest lecturer at the Pre-Examination Training Centre at the Gauhati University to teach criminal law to the Indian administrative Service examinees. As the seniormost ballistics expert of the Government of Assam, he has been imparting training on Forensic Ballistic and related legal matters to senior police and judicial officers of all the states of North-Eastern India. He has published a number of articles on Forensic Science, Law and Criminology in both English and Assamese. He is mainly interested in the subject of criminology. He has attended a number of seminars and conferences held throughout the country.

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Anil Kumar

Dr. Anil Kumar, is Lecturer in the Department of Business Economics, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar in 2001. He has more than 10 years of teaching and research experience. 15 research papers have been published by him. He has already completed one minor research project financed by UGC and is presently working on one major research project financed by UGC. His areas of specialization include Industrial Economics, Human Resource Management and Entrepreneurship Development.

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Bibliographic information

Title Botany for Degree Students Fungi
Format Softcover
Date published: 08.07.2016
Edition revi. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789352533008
length 808p., 6.75" x 9.5" inches