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Way of Liberation Moksa Marga: An Itinerary In Indian Philosophy

Alamelu Sheshadri (Author) T K Sribhashyam (Author)

The way to liberation or moksa needs perfect knowledge, perfect action and perfect surrender to the Lord. The bhakta becomes a bhagavata as he not only knows and sees but also lives as a servant of God. Moksa is the final approach to the purity and perfection of the human soul. This volume attempts an in-depth study of the concept of liberation or moksa and the way to attain it.

The book begins with the meaning of love, devotion, religion, the body-soul relation and the three yogas, an understanding of which is essential to understand the concept of moksa. In this context, it delves into the meaning of the Brahman, the Absolute, as conveyed in the Vedas and other religious works like the Upanisads and the Bhagavad-Gita, the concept of the universal spiritual entity of Sarvegvara, concepts of sin and virtue, and even the principles of monotheism and polytheism in Hinduism. Quoting from the scriptures and other relevant texts, it emphasises on the notion of devotion and its benefits to examine the means to self-realisation and liberation and includes a study of the concept of contemplation and meditation, including meditation techniques and practices, which is central to the attainment of moksa.

With interesting illustrations, the volume will be useful to religious scholars and students and seekers on the path of spiritual fulfillment.

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Bibliographic information

Title Way of Liberation Moksa Marga: An Itinerary In Indian Philosophy
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2011
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher D K Printworld
Language: English
isbn 9788124605998
length 322p., 3 Colour; Illustrations; 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch