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South Indian Butterflies: Field Guide

K. Gunathilagaraj (Author) T.N.A. Perumal (Author) K. Jayaram (Author) M. Ganesh Kumar (Author)

The volume is an illustrated guide book on the wonderful world of butterflies, showcasing varieties of butterflies found in South India. With scientific and common names of the butterflies, the field guide and compendium comprises 300 varieties of butterflies, each accompanied by a photograph that shows the butterfly clearly. In a lucid language, it deals with their importance and describes intricate details of each type, both adults and larvae of the butterflies. It presents their life history-stages of their growth , colourisation, friends and foes . An effort of photographers and entomologists, the book takes up in detailed chapters, their activities and the status of their legal protection, emphasising the need to conserve them and calling for an action plan.

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Bibliographic information

Title South Indian Butterflies: Field Guide
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2015
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789383698035
length 359p., Illustrations; Colour; 22cm.