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Numerical Analysis: Iterative Methods

V.B.K. Vatti (Author)

Iterative methods or those methods by which approximations are improved until one receives an accurate value comprise an important learning objective in mathematics. Keeping this in mind, the main objective of this book is to incorporate important iterative methods in a single volume, at an appropriate depth. This will enable students and researchers to apply these iterative techniques to scientific and engineering problems. The text discusses in detail the methods of solving linear systems of equations, nonlinear equations, system of non-linear equations, initial value problems and partial differential equations of all the three types by the use of iterative methods. The text is substantiated with 335 problems including many solved examples and exercises with answers at the end of each chapter.

Contents: 1. Numerical Solution of Linear Systems of Equations. 2. Numerical Solution of Non-linear Equations. 3. Numerical Solution of System of Non-linear Equations. 4. Numerical Solution of Initial Value Problems. 5. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations. Bibliography. Index.

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Bibliographic information

Title Numerical Analysis: Iterative Methods
Author V.B.K. Vatti
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.06.2016
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789385909009
length 228p.,